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by Roel Obemio
June 26, 2019 to July 26, 2019

Charlie's Art Gallery
Italia Restaurant
GF Paseo Verde Bldg.
Mandalagan Lacson Street
Bacolod City, Negros Occidenta


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Out of the abundant heart and creative mind of Roel Obemio comes the Amore exhibition. Obemio paints his tranquil scenes of love in smooth, pastel hues. As with all of the artist’s work, his plump figures evoke a natural sense of calm and relaxation, almost as if just looking at them soothes the mind. Take a step back. Stand a few feet away. Let it take you into another world.

Growing up in Cagayan de Oro City, the young Roel Obemio would often look out at night, and gaze at the moon and stars. The night, always magical, provided respite from the humdrum of the day. In the city, years later as an artist, Obemio would draw inspiration from those nights. “When I paint, I always go back to that feeling. It is somewhat an escape from the ordinary. It is magical. It’s like when you’re in love,” Obemio shares. With the title Amore, the romantic Obemio focuses on the magic of love in its many forms – the love between lovers, friends, family, the love between mothers and their children, the innocent love of a child for his pet, even the love for great landscapes or nature, and that of the artist for the works of great artists before him whom he admires.

Before breaking into the art scene with his highly successful first solo exhibition in 2006, Roel Obemio worked as an animator in the now defunct studio of Hanna - Barbera. This inevitably affected his art, instilling in it a flair for narrative, a skill in composition, and mastery in evoking mood. Known for his rotund figures reminiscent of Fernando Botero’s, Obemio’s works resonate with Filipinos who enjoy his inspiring, humorous, witty, and romantic works. The works in Amore exhibit these qualities and presents them in different contexts. There are homages to Italian masters, and reinterpretations of classical literature’s great lovers, that are interspersed between works inspired from the artist’s own life, and those of his family and friends.

Charlie’s Art Gallery, in cooperation with Galerie Francesca, is delighted to present Amore by Roel Obemio. This is his 12th solo exhibition, and his 1st in the City of Smiles.

Amore runs from June 26, 2019 to July 26, 2019 at Charlie’s Art Gallery, Italia Restaurant, Bacolod City. For inquiries, please email